Ec2ag activator


05/9//2015 Saturday morning will put in the air EA1 / BU-023 Umion and get 1001 points as an activator.

greetings EC2AG


Hola Antonio:
Supongo que has usado el traductor y te ha convertido la fecha al formato americano (mes/día/año), con lo que parece que hablas del 9 de mayo, pero es claro para mí que se trata de mañana día 5 de septiembre cuando activarás la cima que te hará una Cabra montesa.
Te buscaré e intentaré cazarte para felicitarte merecidamente.
Hasta mañana.
73, Guru

Hi Antonio,
I guess you used the traslator and it has converted the date into american format (mm/dd/yy), and it seems like you speak about the 9th of may, but it’s clear to me that it’s about tomorrow september 5th when you’ll activate the summit making you a Mountain goat.
I’ll look for you and I’ll try to chase you to give you the well deserved congratulations.
Hear you tomorrow.
73, Guru

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Best of luck Antonio.

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Congratulations Antonio, thanks for BU-023 and all the summits :smile:
Best wishes

Heard you well here
No doubt you no hear me calling back :sob:

Hope you made your Goat :smiley:


Yippee got through little laters

Zorionak Antonio Mendiko Hauntza lortzeagatik!

Hi Antonio,
congratulations for your MOUNTAIN GOAT reached yesterday!
You well deserve it. Keep on doing so well and take care on hills.

Please share your prize with your wife that is joining you and helping so much on summits.
All the best and many more summits in the future, 73 de Ignacio

Enhorabuena por alcanzar el Mountain Goat. Te lo mereces! Sigue tan bien y cuidado por los montes.
Ya puedes compartir ese premio con Bego que te acompaña y ayuda por las cimas. Los mejores deseos y muchas cimas nuevas para el futuro. 73

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MIKE thank you very much I wait in my log

greetings EC2AG

Thanks Karl QSO was hard but ok …

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Eskerrik asko Mikel

Ignacio thank you very much for your call, and get qso…y no doubt that it will share with Bego.

greetings EC2AG

Muchas GRACIAS Ignacio por tu llamada,y conseguir qso…y no dudes que lo compartire con Bego.

Saludos EC2AG

Hello Antonio ,congratulations on dimple 1000 points seems easy and it is not, congratulations mate hope to find on the airwaves, to see if we S2S

Hola Antonio,felicidades por hoyar 1000 puntos parece fácil y no lo es, enhorabuena compañero espero encontrarte en las ondas,a ver si logramos S2S

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CONGRATULATION!!! Antonio well done hope to hear you best of luck

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