Drop outs?

A few times today I have had the message below from the Spots side of Sotawatch. Don’t know if its anything to worry about. Anyone else seen it?

“Sorry, SOTAwatch2 had a problem with the old SOTAwatch database which unfortunately it still is using at the moment.
(Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query). Please click here to return to the home page.”

Not seen it here

Yes, the error message was meant to convey: Don’t panic but we may need to put up with this until I can ditch the old SOTAwatch database. It’s the same thing that causes the old system to drop out as well at times.

I am still relying on the old system for spots, alerts and users. I have moved across summits, summit info, etc. and will move across users soon.

I have slightly improved matters by executing a web forward to the home page when the database connection breaks.

I think in most cases this will actually revert back to a cached version of the homepage which will then try and refresh again after 30 seconds. So hopefully any problems will pass virtually unnoticed.

Let me know of any strange behaviour.

At the moment I now seem to be getting a posting from WEBMON every minute now
whereas it was not happening before earlier on this morning even allowing for the postings.