BBC series on Ulster's Mountains

A heads up.
For prospective (and current) GI activators, BBC NI is broadcasting the series, Ar Scáth na Sléibhte (In the Shadow of the Mountain).
Last night, Episode 1 Features GI/CA-001 towards the end of the programme, on the tour of the Ring of Gullion.
(Don’t worry there are subtitles for those who don’t speak the lingo)

It’s on iPlayer (link below).

Now you know where to plan that SOTA vacation :smile:


Thanks Pete. just watched the programme while having my breakfast toast… Excellent. I’ll look again next week for the second part.

73 Phil

If you plan to activate Slieve Gullion GI/CA-001 note that access will be restricted starting 23 Feb for three months due to tree felling. The drive to the upper car park will be closed.


Hi Pete, thanks for the link, interesting programme.

Victor GI4ONL

Hi Pete

Thanks very much for the link - I will watch with interest. Geoff 2E0NON and I are hoping to some SOTA in Northern Ireland in the summer,

Nick G4OOE

From the opening shots it looks like they’ll be covering the Antrim Hills, Sperrins and Mournes too.

Make sure you take plenty of sunscreen and a sun hat to ward off the tropical sun and heat!

My hottest ever activation was on MM-001, I just wish I’d had my midge net with me :smile:

GI/MM-001 by G4ISJ, on Flickr


Well perhaps it was your feet that was attracting them? :wink:

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Tks for the tip. We haven’t sorted out our itinerary yet but I expect MM-001 will feature in our plans.

Regarding midges I, along with Phil G4OBK and Geoff 2E0NON were attacked on Dow Crag a couple of years ago and I was attacked by large flies with Geoff 2E0NON and Derek 2E0MIX on Heughscar Hill while doing WOTAs so I try to remember to carry a suitable spray can.

I have just watched the programme on my laptop with some funny looks from the xyl as the Gaelic words filled the living room!


Episode 3 from the Mournes is now available.


A quick update for those that missed the original series.
The following just dropped onto my FB stream

Well worth checking out. Next series looks promising too!


For those that missed it first time around, Slieve Gullion is available again for 15 more days.

I activated it on my Birthday this year, was hoping that Cormac could come along too, but he was otherwise engaged.


Just a quick update.
Series 2 of Ar Scáth na Sléibhte is now available on iPlayer.

Episode 1 is based in the Antrim hills and finishes with Cormac ascending Trostan (GI/AH-001) (25’).

Episode 2 takes in the border summit of Cuilagh, EI-IN-006. This is one worth watching. It’s only been activated once by Aage, LA1ENA, and now there is a new boardwalk to the top so anyone can do it! (21’)

Episode 3 - Finishes with an ascent of Slieve Foyle, EI/IE-015 (25’)

Finally, Episode 4 takes in my home stomping grounds. Divis, GI/AH-004 features heavily from about 10’. Closer to home for me, and a far nicer hilltop, but unfortunately not P150, is Cavehill where Cormac ends up. This is an awesome hill, but not one for the faint hearted if you get too near the edge! Known locally as Napoleon’s Nose.
In the cave that he stops in on the way up, me and a friend found a stash of explosives when were about 12 years old!
I may have a chance to activate Divis and perhaps Trostan this weekend…

Recommend watching the whole programmes, but if not, times (in brackets) are when the Summits appear.
English subtitles as before. :smile:
Overseas visitors will need to access via UK VPN!



Well the best laid plans and all that!
Last Saturday was one stormy day, and although I planned to activate Knocklayd (GI/AH-002), when I awoke to a snowstorm and severe gales that morning, the plans went out the window!

I still visited the North Coast, just to check that the wind made it difficult to stand up at sea level, and admire the beauty.

I had to wait until Tuesday for a brief weather window to tackle Divis, just before I had to return home.
They’ve removed one tower since I was last there.

The sun eventually shone and the wind abated to just under gale force :wink:

At least the plentiful supplies of fadge and soda farls helped maintain energy levels.
I’ll be back for more Ulster Fry Hills.

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There appears to be a pancake missing from that plate. I’d demand a refund!

Is that White Park Bay in the photo above?

And Knocklayd is a beast. I wouldn’t fancy it in poor weather at all.

The pancake is at the back under the bacon!

It’s Runkerry Beach just down the road from Victor (GI4ONL) at Portbalintrae, and next to a famous Distillery :slight_smile:
Whitepark Bay is further round to the east.
Knocklayd was a non starter that day. The mountain forecast predicted 90-100 mph gusts on the top and -6ºC.
It looked lovely from a distance - all white.
Another day…

What, this distillery?

Our one and only activation of Knocklayd was done in challenging conditions - but nowhere near those that caused you to not bother! Not a hill I am in any rush to repeat.

You got it Pete, about 10 minutes away to be precise :smiley:

My favourite beach, which is also only about 10 minutes away!

Victor GI4ONL

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Super photo Victor. I was interested to see that the building in the picture was the original youth hostel when we were there. It is now sited up above the cliffs in a newer building.

I’ve only ever visited GI once and that was to change planes so I never left the airport. However, that beach photo pushes it onto the places that I really do need to visit and bag some summits. Pete’s breakfast photo also adds to the desire!

And when you are here another must do is the rope bridge at Carrick-a-Rede…

Not for the faint hearted :fearful:

Victor GI4ONL